The Oily Witch

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Physical Wellbeing - Why it’s important to look after your body

Physical Wellbeing - Why it’s important to look after your body

There isn’t a single 360 Bespoke Wellbeing Consultation that doesn’t involve me advising my client to do regular exercise to boost their wellbeing. In this blog, I will cover some of the natural therapies and self care I’ve tried to improve my physical wellbeing.

The Time for Body Care

I've spent the last few years improving my mental and spiritual wellbeing, so it makes total sense and feels right to sort out my physical wellbeing.

Don't go me wrong, my physical body has been at the forefront of a lot of my mental anguish, with all the health issues I've developed and uncovered.

It's just that, at the end of 2019, it suddenly occurred to me that I'd managed to get into a space where I'd complain about its shortcomings all the time. Living in my head, trying to establish why this had happened to me, where had I gone wrong? What was the underlying message?

Negativity breeds negativity

I wasn't present within my body and feeding it a negative rhetoric to thrive upon, so no surprise when the wheels on the bus just kept springing punctures or even falling off. The Law of Attraction, right...

Listening to my body

So, I figured I'd focus my attention on listening to it instead, hearing the messages it was giving me.

And, really living the truth of the connection between mind, body and spirit, instead of just knowing it. 

Self acceptance

There's a lot of acceptance involved, there's a lot of pills involved, some of the dreaded pharmaceutical kind. Which as a Green Witch, aka nature-based healer, is a giant concession too and acknowledgement of my reality.

Sanity needs balance

But, as I've written before, life is about balance and when there is an opportunity to short cut some of the pain in order to be more available to your dependents, it's a road you can't afford not to take because life is short... (Even though it totally drags when you're not having fun!

And, what is that unfair conundrum all about? Speeds up when you're happy, so the good times just rush past???)

The impact of the sea

Last Summer, I discovered that the only thing that could still my raging menopausal hormones was being by or in the sea. The negative ions completely chilled me out, I've never felt the pull of the sea before.

So, needlessly to say I then had to spend at least one day a week by or in it, just to get through the summer holidays! Even into Autumn I was drawn to the sea and was still swimming, I did stop in November though when it became too dark and cold!

Nearly drowned

But felt pulled to swim in the sea at the first full moon in January.

I picked a lighter day but it still had quite a swell going on. And, when I hit the water, which I did far too hastily, out of misplaced embarrassment - I don't like to be witnessed! I suddenly discovered I couldn't breathe from the frozen shock and thus barely made it back to shore alive!

It was all over in a matter of minutes, but it was a crazy near-death experience, which reminded me of the power of nature and not rushing in ill prepared. What a twat! That's kind of put me back in my place for now, and sort of put me off....

Cold showers instead

To replace the sea, I've started the Wim Hoff deep breathing exercise before sleep and taking cold showers in the morning. I confess I can't quite get directly into a cold shower but I can stand it eventually, it makes me feel quite zinged and in my body.

The nightly deep breathing really gives me deep sleep, something I've struggled with since having kids, and pays in dividends for my health. I am certainly not going to take this to his extreme, I am not attracted to swimming in ice holes etc but again, it's all about balance and looking after physical wellbeing.

Pilates or Yoga?

Being hypermobile to the point of having developed the syndrome, never one to do things by halves, I need exercise to strengthen my core muscles in order to stay upright, manage my pain and care for my joints. For this I really favour Pilates, I’ve been doing it for a number of years now and can’t recommend it highly enough.

I’ve recorded an interview with my Pilates teacher, Phillipa Butler from Precizion, you can sit back and watch this for enlightenment.

Reiki practice for wellbeing

I went on Reiki Level 1 course taught by the lovely Sandra and John.

I respond very well to Reiki and a friend suggested I learn to do it to myself. (I'm slowly removing my need for expensive Spa treatments by becoming self-sufficient)

Usually an energy treatment such as this is more effective when done to you not by you, but this is not the case with Reiki. It's a fabulous way for those, like me, who seriously struggle to find the time to meditate or just sit still, it's about transformation and acceptance. 

Free meditation app

There's a fantastic free app called Insight Timer, which allows you to set up your timings with lovely sounds. This is vital if you have a family or husband that just can't seem to leave you alone when you actually want some space, they get an auditory signal not to approach.

Though I'm struggling to get this message across to my husband who keeps coming and lying beside me, he loves the sounds.

Inner peace at last

And all of this work on my physical wellbeing has made a difference, I am much more in my body and there's more peace in my soul. Reiki is a very free practice, like witchcraft, there isn't much dogma, just five principles on how to behave:

Reiki Principles

Just for Today do not Worry,
Just for Today do not Anger,
Honour your Parents, Teachers & Elders,
Earn your Living Honestly,
Show Gratitude to every living thing.

How beautiful and simple are they, if we all pulled them off imagine how chilled the world would be!

5 Rhythms

I've re-started attending 5 Rhythms, the last time was pre-kids aka BC, dancing is my favourite exercise. This wellbeing practice is another form of meditation, which thankfully has sweet FA to do with sitting still, and all about dance expression. 

I mean you can sit still if you feel that your body wants stillness, but it’s about letting five stages of music move through you physically, and letting your body respond in whichever way it wants too. It takes place in a large space and involves no alcohol, drugs or talking - other than the leader/DJ who will invite you to partner up if you wish etc. And lasts for a couple of blissful hours, which I was really concerned I wouldn't be able to pull off after so long, but it’s easy because of the music.

It's a bit like a club but without any of the flirtation, permission to ignore absolutely everyone around you if you wish too (I prefer that), and to dance in any way you choose too, with no one watching. It's pretty fabulous and pretty daunting, until you realise that no one is really watching or even cares what you're doing. 

The music is very moving and tribal, it needs to be to get the energy centres in your body activated and fired up, this means for some they just lie in a ball and cry. Anything goes, apart from drugs, alcohol or talking!

Final word

So, I am dancing, breathing, healing, meditating and on drugs.... (Pharma of course) for 2020. I sound a hippie, but really I'm just a Witch Healer, harmonising my soul to Mother N. I hope you’ve picked up some useful tips on how to look after your body for good physical wellbeing.

Next steps

If you too would like to enhance your physical wellbeing but need to get into a physical place where you can dance, deep breath etc, book yourself in for a 360 Bespoke Wellbeing Consultation with me and I’ll work out what you need to build your physical wellbeing. I use a combination of essential oils, vitamin therapy and herbs.

Useful links

For more on Wimhof’s Method:

To find out more about Sandra and John’s Reiki course: Sandra & John's Facebook Page