The Oily Witch

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Holistic Wellbeing - why are Essential Oils so good?

Holistic Wellbeing - Why are Essential Oils so good?

This blog will tell you exactly why essential oils are so good, invaluable in fact. They offer physical healing on a level that can’t be matched by anything else because as much as they heal, they never harm. I will tell you how and why there are so much more than just plants pressed into a bottle.

Smells good enough to treat

Essential Oils derive from the plant kingdom, harvested from the immune systems of plants. Essential oils are highly aromatic, once you remove the essential oil, the plant becomes scentless. Only 5% of the planets plants have essential oils, so don’t expect to be able to produce them from everything growing in your garden.

Why I don’t make my own essential oils

Not that I would personally recommend making your own, it is possible but it’s a complicated process that requires specialised skills to protect the vital trace elements. Essential Oils are comprised of up to 300 different chemical constituents each, and interestingly it is those minuscule trace elements in which the difference in quality and therapeutic action resides. And, they are extremely fragile, easily lost and widely misunderstood.

The whole 9 yards

So, when producing a quality essential oil, everything counts and I mean everything. The growing location, climate, soil composition, time of harvesting, harvesting process, toxic exposure, planetary alignments, the manner in which they are harvested. And, you want the whole essential oil, not just some of its largest compounds. These plants are living beings, albeit on the surface they appear more simple organisms than us, but what they contain and how we can benefit from them is very far from simple.

You get what you pay for

I get asked frequently, which I completely appreciate, why are the essential oils I favour so expensive. This is because there is so little understanding of what they actually are and how they work and the market is an unregulated smorgasbord of cheaper alternatives. So, yes you can pay £5 for a bottle of Lavender essential oil, but it will not and cannot have the therapeutic actions a guaranteed pure one will have at £26. And the difference is obvious, in the smell, texture, therapeutic actions, shelf-life and versatility.

Completely absorbing

Essential Oils are lipophilic, this means they dissolve into fats and either not at all or only a tiny bit into water. Fortuitously for us, the membranes around our individual cells contains lipids, so we easily absorb essential oils, taking them into the very heart of ourselves.

Wellness needs balance

Within our cells we have around 1 million proteins/amino acids, each a different shape and responsible for a different activity and in constant communication with one another. When we’re well they are all balanced and regulating, this is referred to as homeostasis.

Intuitive key collection

Each essential oil chemical constituent is also a different shape, and here’s where the magic happens. This means that when these super small chemicals enter our cells, they are 125 millionth of the size of a cell, they can connect with and act upon up to 300 of these amino acids simultaneously. Thus giving us Polymolecular Therapy, to restore homeostasis. What’s also worth noting, essential oils will not negatively act upon anything within our cells, so there are no side effects.

One trick pony

Pharmaceutical medicine is Monomolecular Therapy, this is where a single molecule has a specific action and therefore why some work for us and others don’t. To patent a new drug you need to find a unique molecule not found in nature, commercially it is less risk to create something that simply blocks a symptom, hence symptom management. The cost of creating just that is so massive, they cannot generally afford to go beyond blocking and manage repairing. And, unfortunately for us, there are very real physical costs to blocking something that’s supposed to work within us, and this often catches up with us long term.

Total Repair

Essential oils on the other hand, act intuitively and are blended to increase their therapeutic action coverage. Meaning using just one essential oil, creates potential actions upon up to 300 proteins, so add up to seven more essential oils (synergy) and suddenly you’ve got an even wider playing field. Not, that you may need that many. And, to really blow your mind, synergised blends can potentate each other’s actions, significantly magnifying the impact.

Can’t see inside ourselves

When we become unwell, at this point in time, we can’t often tell what’s caused the problem. I would propose this is because we’re very divorced from our physical and spiritual selves and live in a highly “plasticated”, toxic environment.

Covering all bases

So, relying on a monomolecular therapy to manage the symptoms carries the risk that it won’t work and is laden with hidden, physical costs. Using a polymolecular therapy like essential oils covers off all bases with no costs, providing you know what you are doing.

Aromatherapy explained

I hope I’ve managed to convey some of the complexities of using essential oils in a relatable way and their amazing potential. However, they are chemicals, and this is why you need a qualified Aromatherapist, to teach you to keep you safe and to know how to make blends more likely to succeed based on your complete health profile.

Next Steps

Should you wish to experience my essential oil healing first hand, please get in touch to book your Aromatherapy Session. If you’re looking to heal a number of health complaints, I recommend a 360 Bespoke Consultation . If you would like to learn more about using essential oils for wellbeing, my range of essential oil workshops will give you everything you need and now you can buy them pre-recorded.