The Oily Witch

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Spiritual Wellbeing - Learn about the Elder Moon - Celtic Tree Moon No.13


Spiritual Wellbeing - Learn about the Elder Moon - Celtic Tree Moon No.13

The Elder Moon

And so we come to our final Celtic Tree Moon, aptly named the Elder Moon, she is the Celtic Tree Moon that rules from the 12th December until 11th January. Fortuitously, we’re guided by this protective divine mother energy as we enter our time of darkness and personal introspection, who better to have by our side than her. Read this blog to deepen your knowledge of the Celtic Tree Moons and their impact on your spiritual wellbeing.

Elder Celtic Tree Moon Spiritual Significance

Elder symbolises endings and new beginnings, perfectly reflected in the intention and reality of Winter Solstice, the re-birth of the Sun. And, like the Sun, we plunge to the deepest depths of our own personal darkness and shadow before we return to the light. Only through surviving your own dark nights of your soul, can you truly divine your heart’s honest desires. The Elder Moon holds protective space for you to recover, refresh and continue in your life journey with a greater understanding of yourself.

Where ever Elder grows, she sanctifies and protects the space. If you are lucky enough to have Elder growing near your home, appreciate her, especially if she chose your land and self-seeded there; this is a blessing.

The Celts called Elder Ruish, pronounced roo-esh, and it stands for the letter R. Elder is associated with Freya, the Norse love goddess, the underworld goddess, Holda and Mother Nature. Elder’s white flowers symbolising life and her dark berries representing death.

Elder’s wood was used in burial rites in British long barrows. Elder has a strong connection with fairies and magical protection. For Elder is the tree that guards your backdoor, with King Holly at the front.

You might have not given the Elder Tree much consideration before, or even noticed her. Elder fell from grace during the height of the Christian persecution of anything Pagan. She became the tree of the crucifixion and the “Judas Tree,” upon which the disciple hanged himself in remorse. I warrant there is no coincidence in that Elder is Tree Moon number 13, but you will need to decide for yourself.

Elder Tree Botanical facts

The wonderful Elder tree, like our good selves, can be easily damaged but recovers quickly. You can find Elders growing everywhere, waste land, hedgerows and scrubby woodland, because Elder thrive in slightly damp, fertile but disturbed soil.

Elder can grow to about 30ft, but to attain this rare size she needs plenty of light, which it doesn’t often get. Her leaves are long and arranged on either side of the stem in opposing pairs, they smell unusual and can be used to deter vermin, so stick some up on your attic and down in your cellars; so above, so below. Elder’s bark is smooth in youth and deeply etched in age, much like our own skin.

Because Elder stems are hollow and her pith easily removed, Elder were used to make pipes and whistles for hundreds of years. The pith from the bigger Elder stems was sliced into rounds, soaked in oil and set a light and floated on water. What a marvellous take on a floating candle!

Edible Elder Medicine

In Springtime, I am sure you recognise Elder’s saucers of fragrant white flowers, which make a lovely syrup, tonic or champagne. The perfect elixir to welcome in Beltane and encourage the light within. You can make a tea from Elder’s flowers to treat common colds and fever, it works by raising your temperature and allowing you to sweat out the toxins.

In Autumn, Elder is bedecked in sumptuous hanging bows of deep purple, almost black, medicinal, delicious berries. These magical berries make a delicious vitamin A,B and C rich, antioxidant syrup for health and wellbeing, a natural cough syrup.

Elder’s Moon Magic

Use the Elder Celtic Tree Moon to focus your intentions on what you’ve achieved, learnt and what’s holding you back this year. Allow yourself to plummet into your own shadows, releasing what no longer serves your highest good, owning your truth and discovering your own seeds of inspiration. Like nature never gets tired of showing us, you have to die away in order to be reborn! We can only truly manage that by withdrawing, surrendering and letting go with trust under the safe protection of the Elder Celtic Tree Moon. This is the truest purpose of shadow journeys, with the outcome being complete acceptance of all parts of ourselves, the light and the dark.

Final word

You now know all about the Elder Celtic Tree Moon, what she represents, what she offers and how to use this time magically. In support of your spiritual nourishment and holistic wellbeing, I have created a Bespoke Guide to take you through all that I can offer you as a Celtic Witch, Medical Intuitive, Aromatherapist and Medical Astrologist. If you know you would like my support but aren’t sure how, simply book a free 15 minute consultation with the below link. Blessings.